Alums & Friends & Families publishes a quarterly newsletter, The Good News, designed to reconnect with alums, share stories about former classmates and let our community know about the good things happening at Community of Saints Regional Catholic School today.
If you are not currently receiving the newsletter, please email Natalie Hartung at [email protected] and we will gladly add you to our mailing list.
To suggest articles or provide information or a photo for The Good News, email [email protected].
Latest Edition of The Good News:
The Good News- Fall/Winter 2024
Reading Skills Soar with New Phonics Curriculum – Last year, Community of Saints (COS) introduced a new phonics curriculum for students in grades K-3, and the results dramatically exceeded expectations. Student gains were so substantial, they were featured in a newsletter published by one of the school’s partners, Achievement Network (ANet), a national nonprofit working to expand educational equity for all students.
Fr. Steve’s Column – Over the years I have tried to focus on assisting young people, helping them grow and mature. One of the ways I have done so has been through supporting and actively participating in their education —elementary, secondary, college, and graduate school. For almost 55 years as a priest there hasn’t been a day when I have not been active in school and the education of young people.
Fr. Paul Treacy on What Led Him to COS – Fr. Paul Treacy (pastor at Church of the Assumption talks about his family, his love for Catholic schools, and his new role as Canonical Administrator at COS.
STEM Partnership with University of Notre Dame Inspires Future Scientists – EDITOR’S NOTE: One of the perks of working on The Good News is talking to COS students, and I often ask them, “What’s your favorite subject?” Over the last few years, I’ve noticed a steady rise in the number of students who tell me it’s science. After 17 years of doing this, it caught my attention. It also motivated me to follow up on a story from 2020, when COS was in the second year of a three-year partnership with the University of Notre Dame to implement a new approach to teaching science.
Alums & Friends & Families 2023–24 Annual Report – A&F&F contributors provide a foundation of school support with 1,033 Donations Totaling $434,206.
Meet the Andersons – COS School Family – Michelle Youness and her husband, Louis Anderson, began looking for a preschool for their oldest child the same year Community of Saints (COS) opened. Michelle, her sisters, her father and his siblings, all graduated from St. Michael School, so the idea of sending her three-year-old to COS was appealing. “I had such warm memories of being at St. Mike’s,” Michelle said. “I loved being back in the same building.”
A Mass to Celebrate Your Generosity, Thursday, December 12, 9:00 a.m., Community of Saints. – You are welcome to join us in person for a school Mass to honor the generous support of A&F&F donors. Father Paul Treacy will preside. Following Mass, you can tour the school, enjoy refreshments, and meet our middle school students. COS alum Isaac Garcia ’20 will address students and visitors after Mass. As a 6th grade student at COS, Isaac founded Isaac’s Blessing Bags, a ministry to serve homeless people.
Double Your Gift! Donations to A&F&F Tuition Assistance Fund will be matched dollar-for-dollar through December 31, 2024. – All gifts made by December 31, 2024, WILL BE MATCHED DOLLAR-FOR- DOLLAR up to $10,000. This matching grant is made possible thanks to the generous support of John Riehle ’57. Call Natalie Hartung, Advancement Director, at 651-457-2510 for Community of Saints.
COS 8th Grade Class of ‘24: Pablo Martinez Hernandez, Marco Silva, Jorge España, Simon Cortez-Orme, Connor Myran, Alonzo Doby, Jayden Millan-Matos, Bitania Meheretia, Javier VanDyke, Alberto Alaniz-Sevilla, Barrett Kowal, Brigitte Serrano, Selena Ortiz-Bell, Elayna Anderson, GeorgiaBella Gorr, Nina Rodriguez, Xitlaly Lara, Camilla Irlbeck, Aioki Bostwick
Congratulations Graduates! This graduation season, we spoke with two of our newest alums, Alonzo Doby and Selena Ortiz-Bell, both members of COS Class of ’24. They share their plans for high school and reflect on how COS prepared them for their next steps. We also talked to three alums from the class of ’20 as they prepared to graduate from high school: Marly Rodriguez, Lydia Sanchez and Adriana Silva. They left COS at the height of the pandemic which created distinct challenges for them as freshmen at new schools. Learn how they overcame obstacles to find their unique paths forward.
Message from Father Steve – I am pleased to announce that Father Paul Treacy, Pastor of the Church of the Assumption, has now also been appointed to be the new Canonical Administrator at Community of Saints. I will continue to be active in supporting the work of COS through Alums & Friends & Families (A&F&F). Together we have worked to raise the funds to pay for Catholic education of students from families with modest incomes. Parents of these children never thought a Catholic school was within reach for their family.
Meet Father Paul Treacy, New Canonical Administrator at COS – Father Paul has been the pastor at Church of the Assumption since 2017 and has been a member of the COS school board for the past two years. He has a deep commitment to the school’s mission and vision, and he is actively engaged in moving our school forward.
NASA Astronaut Visits COS – Duane Gene “Digger” Carey shared his story with middle school students. He is a retired lieutenant colonel in the United States Air Force and former NASA astronaut. In 2002, he piloted the space shuttle Columbia during a mission to service the Hubble Space Telescope.
Congratulations to Isaac Garcia ’20 – Isaac is the recipient of the annual Archbishop John Ireland Award awarded by Cretin-Derham Hall High School (CDH).
COS Has a New Advancement Director – This June, Natalie Hartung trades her role as the 5th grade teacher at COS to become the school’s new advancement director, a position previously held by Doug Lieser. In her new job she will support fundraising, community outreach, and student enrollment efforts at COS.
COS Graduate Fulfills Wish to Help Homeless People – Six years ago, we shared the story of 11-year-old Isaac Garcia, then a 6th grade student at COS, whose Christmas wish was to help homeless people in his neighborhood. With his family’s help, he started Isaac’s Blessing Bags. Now a senior at Cretin-Derham Hall High School, Isaac has expanded his ministry. Here’s an update to his story.
Message from Father Steve – COS is a Catholic school, an academy for evangelization. Administrators, teachers, and staff seek to help students to not only become well-educated young people, but also to grow into the role of significant actors in their communities, fostering the works of mercy and justice.
Sister Ann Schoch, SSND, St. Matthew’s Principal 1972 -1977 – During her years at St. Matthew’s, Sister Ann formed close bonds with many members of the school community and remains in contact with some of her former students today. Still working at age 85, Sister Ann shared highlights from a remarkable career that has taken her around the world. Below is an excerpt from our conversation.
Mike Fernandez ’74 Shares Memories of Family and Our Lady of Guadalupe School – I called Mike Fernandez because he was a member of St. Matthew’s class of ’74 who was willing to share a few memories. As we spoke, he told me about first going to school at Our Lady of Guadalupe (OLG), why his family switched to St. Matthew’s, and how his family came to live on the West Side in the first place. It reminded me how rich and entwined the history of the West Side is. Here are a few of Mike’s stories.
Class of 1974 Photos– St. Michael, St. John Vianney, St. Matthew.
St. Matt’s Football Team 1974 – Fifty years ago, St. Matthew’s 8th grade football team, led by legendary coach Joe Rowan, won their conference, and played in the city championship.
Memories from St. Matthew’s Class of 1974 – Steve Andersen ’74, 8Th Grade Class Play, John Maloney ’74, Mike St. Martin ’74
School News: Every Meal Fills in Food Gaps
School News: Ready, Set, Smile — Free Dental Clinic Comes to COS
Your Support Makes It Possible — More than 90% of students attending COS receive tuition assistance. Your support makes that assistance possible. A&F&F has been providing this assistance for 17 years. This Spring, cumulative donations will surpass $4M. We thank each and every donor, from the first contributions given in 2007 through the most recent ones in 2024.
Why I Love My Catholic School! – During Catholic Schools Week, COS students shared what they love about about their school.
Carlo Franco ’09 Wins Seat on St. Paul School Board – St. Matthew’s Alum Advocates for Youth and West Side Point of View
Saint Thomas Academy Partners with COS. STA Campus Ministry Class Makes Connections to Share Faith. students from Saint Thomas Academy (STA) helped Community of Saints (COS) kick off the school’s annual Marathon Fundraiser. The Cadets, all seniors in Campus Ministry, donned tee-shirts, brought snacks, and led COS students in a raucous rotation of field games, including World Cup Soccer, Freeze Tag, and Simon Says. It was the first of three visits Campus Ministry students plan for the year.
Message from Father Steve – I want to recognize three people who have been indispensable to our efforts to provide an education for each and every family and student who comes to us: Doug Lieser, Marilyn Sexton and Tom McKeown. I am so grateful to Doug, Marilyn, and Tom who each brought different strengths to the work of building Catholic education. It is equally important to acknowledge and thank their families. To have known and worked with each of them has been for me an occasion of grace.
What’s New This Year: A new Phonics Curriculum for grades K-2, multi-lingual learners, and Title I students. Character Strong, a program that guides students towards becoming positive members of the community. Practicing Mindfulness Through Art, a new after-school program for middle school students mixes art with mindfulness.
K-8 Enrollment: 206. Preschool Enrollment: 48. COS has maintained steady enrollment with waiting lists for preschool and first grade.
COS Retains Staff Despite Historic Teacher Shortage. At Community of Saints, every teacher chose to stay for the 2023-24 school year, with the exception of the part-time physical education teacher who left to pursue his dream job as a high school athletic director. At a time when teachers have so many choices, it’s an impressive accomplishment. We wanted to know what keeps teachers at COS — so we went to the source.
COS a Tier 1 Drexel Mission School (one of six in the Archdiocese). Community of Saints has recently been identified as a Tier 1 Drexel Mission School by the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis. To qualify, a school must serve a minimum of 60% students of color, have 60% of students who qualify for Free/Reduced Lunch, and enroll a minimum of 100 students.
Annual Report: A&F&F Donations Fulfill the Promise. Tuition Assistance Makes Catholic Education Accessible. 997 Donations Totaling $439,625. Over 90% of students at Community of Saints (COS) receive tuition assistance. Their ability to receive a Catholic education is the direct result of your generosity. Your contributions make it possible for us to fulfill a crucial promise — that no child in our community will be denied access to a high-quality, Catholic education just because their family cannot afford tuition.
Loyalty Circle Spotlight: Corinne (Heinrich) Brengman. At age 90, Corinne Brengman recently signed up to tutor students at Community of Saints in response to a call for volunteers. “Reading with children is something an old lady can still do,” she laughs.
Please Join Us: A Mass To Celebrate Your Generosity. Friday, December 8 at 9:00 a.m. at Community of Saints. You are welcome to join us in person for a school Mass on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception to honor the generous support of A&F&F donors. Father Steve Adrian will preside. Following Mass, you can tour the school, enjoy refreshments, and meet our middle school students.
COS Student Wins Flaherty Family Scholarship -Student spotlight on Amari who will attend Cretin-Derham Hall High School with the help of the Flaherty Family Foundation scholarship awarded to high-achieving students.
Message from Father Steve - This issue tells the stories of our graduates "Such stories of the power of COS can be told over and over again... Each time you and I make a gift, we make an investment. We make an act of faith that what we do makes a difference. This issue tells so many stories about the fruits of our investment. Don't sell yourself short. You make a difference."
Donor Finds Estate Planning is Another Way to Give: – Mary Ann Ogden shares designating Community of Saints a beneficiary of a retirement plan as a way to give in her estate planning.
COS Counselor Retires after 40 Years - JoEllen Flak Discusses Youth Mental Health and COS Superpower. At COS, our superpower is Love. God is Love and Love is everywhere in our school. Love creates and nurtures life. Love gives us patience. It motivates us to help one another celebrate and enjoy our school community. When I ask teachers to make accommodations for a student in distress, I NEVER get push back. A frequent response is, “Oh, I just love that kid,” and we go on together to make a plan for support. Our staff loves and enjoys our students."
General Joe Votel (RET.) Addresses COS Middle School Students - "What type of impact do you want to make in the world?" Read excepts from General Votel's address and reflections from the students.
Most Likely to Never Give Up - Student spotlight on Nevaeh who has cleared hurdles to earn the praise of her teachers.
COS Graduate Heads to Vis - Student spotlight on May who is the first COS grad to attend high school at Visitation School.
Congratulations! COS Principal Receives Leadership Award - Bridget Kramer received a 2023 Leadership Award from Minndependent, the largest state-wide organization serving private and independent schools.
COS Alums Follow Different Paths - Overcome Obstacles to Pursue Goals - Profiles of Lisette Horne '14 and Autam Mendez '14. When COS classmates Lisette Horne & Autam Mendez graduated from high school in 2018, they each had a clear and ambitious goal. Lisette knew she wanted to go to graduate school, while Autam wanted to play Division 1 basketball. They shared their stories with us.
Message from Father Steve - We walk by faith and not by sight..." Stories of Lisette and Autam Mendez are made possible because of you. Lisette and Autam witness the act of faith you make; an act of faith in your school, an act of faith in your students, and an act of faith in what your generosity and commitment will and do achieve. What you do makes a difference, a profound difference in the student's life and the lives of those whom the student touches. The story of COS is truly part of your story.
Alums & Friends & Families Celebrate Mass with Students: – After two years of virtual service, visitors flocked to Community of Saints for the annual Alums & Friends & Families Mass in December.
RMD Contributions Simplify Giving - Suzanne Snyder shares using her required minimum distributions (RMD) to make charitable contributions to Community of Saints.
St. Matthew's Class of 1973 - A 50th Reunion for the Class of '73 is being planned for October 2023. Class Picture.
St. John Vianney Class of 1973 - Class picture.
St. Michael Class of 1973 - A 50th Reunion for the Class of '73 is being planned for October 21, 2023. Class Picture.
St. Michael Class of 1970 - A 50th Reunion for the Class of '70 is being planned for the Fall of 2023 - more details to come.
Memories from St. Michael Class of 1973 - Reunion organizers share memories of 1973. Stories include; When Fr. John O'Neill Died, Changing Fashion, The Tunnel, Changing Church Music, 8th Grade Play - "Don't Shoot 'Til You See the Whites of Their Eyes", Petition to Sing John Denver Song in Church.
Save the Date: Join us on Friday April 21st at 10am as Joe Votel, St. Matthew's '72 and retired four-star general in the United States Army, addresses COS middle school students and donors.